Saturday, September 13, 2008

introducing MIDweek as a CHOICE

We are 'hearing you' - We would like to experiment between now and the end of the year by offering you the choice to come, associate, and develop yourself in a positive and uplifting environment - free of gossip and complaining!

Starting the first week of October we have filled the calendar with things that we hope will be of interest to many of you.

We will meet on Thursdays - from 9:30-11:30.

Each week will have a consistent agenda so if you want to come once a month or every week you can develop your personal calendar so that you fill your bucket with the things that would add value to the season of life you are in.

1st week - develop a talent
2nd week - field trip
3rd week - round table discussion
4th week - exercise
5th week - play group/round table/talent/you decide

Keep your ears open because there will be more to come. You will see that once a quarter the "WISE AND WONDERFUL" will have the opportunity to invite a date with them to dinner - could be their spouse.

You will also see more wonderful day trips as a 'choice'.
Thank you for your feedback... please keep it coming.
we love you!

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